Doll’s fashion swimsuit edition – Kanu Unchou

The last one in the doll’s fashion swimsuit edition – Kanu Unchou. This is one of the old dress set – Feisty Girl’s Casual Bikini Set. A regular item from Home Town Dolpa Nagoya 4 held on August 23, 2009. I got it from Volks USA when they put Nagoya 4’s item on sale together with the Two-Seater Sofa. You have probably seen Kanu wearing this already in one of my Figure/doll photography 121 posts, but you might not recognize it. The dress comes with a two piece bikini, but also a crop top and a denim shorts. Kanu was wearing it with the crop top and denim shorts in all the previous photos. She’s revealing it all for this swimsuit special.

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!

Jack-o’-lanterns and pumpkins are always the main theme elements for Halloweens everywhere. And there’s no exception for this household. Hmmm… somehow the jack-o’-lanterns thinks there’s an spy amount them. Now which one is it. 👿

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We made oden today and invited Rin and Kanu over for a photo shoot. Rin and Kanu both had their miko dress on, perfect for the occasion.

Rin’s modeling in her mini miko dress:

Rin with fox mask Rin with fox mask to the side

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Tohsaka Rin in miko dress

Kanu had her fun with the long miko dress before. This time Rin’s got her hand on the mini miko dress.

The mini miko dress is made by AZone International. The fox mask and shinai is from Little Wonder Wardrobe.

Who's behind that maks? It's Tohsaka Rin

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Kanu Unchou in miko dress

I’ve got a set of traditional japanese miko dress from AZone International for my dollfie. Who’s better to model in it than Kanu?

Somehow when I thought of mikos I have blonde hair in my mind.

Kanu in miko dress Kanu in miko dress 2

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