phoenix |  March 10th, 2010 In anticipation of Macross Frontier movie, not only did Bandai re-released all of their Chogokin VF-25, they also released a new VF-27γ Lucifer Valkyrie. This fighter belongs to Brera Sterne, Ranka Lee’s older brother. And since I already own VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Saotome Alto Custom, I want to make sure that the next Valkyrie that I own is a bit different form VF-25F. This VF-27γ is the perfect one for me. Ever since the Macross Frontier anime, its delta wing design has captured my attention (I always loved the delta wing designs in fighter jets). So now it’s releasing as a chogokin toy that’s fully transformable, I just had to have it. Luckily AmiAmi is doing 50% off shipping promotion right now and so EMS shipping from Japan seems really cheap even for a heavy item like this.
Bandai DX Chogokin VF-27γ Lucifer Valkyrie Brera Sterne Custom (バンダイ DX超合金 VF-27γ ルシファーバルキリー ブレラスターン機). Released on February 2010 with a MSRP of ¥16,800.
Here’s the box shot. Much smaller and simpler box when compared to the VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Saotome Alto Custom.

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 phoenix |  March 7th, 2010 Drossel von Flügel is the main character in the Toei and Disney Channel’s Fireball anime shorts. There’s already a Figma Drossel, a Nendoroid Drossel, and the Fireball Winter Package DVD that comes with a special ski version of Drossel. Even though I like Drossel’s design I never got the original figma release because it seems to be very flimsy. Despite I love nendoroid, the nendorid Drossel is actually one of those that I really don’t like. Nearly all of the nendoroids release so far are cuter than their normal counter part. Such cannot be said for drossel. The only thing I liked about the nendoroid Drossel is the fact that it’s got the LED lights in her eyes. Now this, Bandai Chogokin Drossel, is probably the best drossel released. Combining everything. The joints are metal and feels solid, has just about all the accessories and parts that was seen in the anime. And best of all, her eyes lit up just like the nendoroid.
Bandai Chogokin Fireball Drossel (バンダイ 超合金 ファイアボール ドロッセル). Released on February, 2010 with MSRP of ¥7,980.
Here’s the box. Front and Back.

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 phoenix |  March 4th, 2010 I’ve just received something interesting. Two mysterious black boxes. Both black cube as a flip top opening with Canon EOS marking on it. Just what is inside those boxes? What is this something that seemingly has to do with Canon EOS, something photography related, here doing in the toys and dollfie category. And just where do Kanu Unchou fit here? Well you will just have to read on to find out.

As the myth behind these black boxes are revealed…
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 phoenix |  March 3rd, 2010 I’ve received some not so usual purchases recently and decided to take a few casual shot of these items and make a post about it. The first is the complete set of Kara no Kyoukai (空の境界) Limited Edition DVDs. I actually didn’t get a chance to watch Kara no Kyoukai until end of 2009. Watched it and really liked it. Now I was not really blown away by the animation nor was the story that drove me to really like the series, they are good but not the driving factors for me. The one that drove me to spend such a large amount of money to buy this entire DVD set from Japan was that, the concept and philosophy within this series (with many references to Buddhist teaching) are very much similar to what I have established myself. Typically a series that want to just through in a few ideas tends to have many holes even at a very high level. But this series, I found that I actually agrees with their reasoning process and view of the philosophy, and that intrigues me so much so that I ended up buying the entire series from half a globe away.

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 phoenix |  February 27th, 2010 This is another figure/doll photography 121 post. I’ve heard from many people as well as seen from many forum posters that they can’t seem to get sharp images for their figure/doll. Some of these people simply didn’t know to use the macro focus mode on their point and shoot camera. However, a lot of them are new users of D-SLRs or have switched from point and shoot digital camera to D-SLRs. In this post, I’d like to explore some of the difference between a point and shoot digital camera and a D-SLR that may cause new and unfamiliar user to get blurry photos. I will also explore a few things on the D-SLR and are specific to D-SLR that may cause blurry photos. I will be using nendoroid, standard PVC figure, as well as doll as my subject. As usual all photos in the post have higher resolution images linked so click on the thumbnail to see better details.

Be aware, this post is image heavy and may take a bit longer to load.
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