Saber alter dress

Dollfie dream Saber alter (see Volks’ office web page in Japanese) is a limited item released on Dolpa 20. Since I already have dollfie Saber, I decided not to get another similar doll. However, I do like the Saber alter dress set. I saw some one selling on Yahoo Auction Japan only the dress set, so I grabbed it.

This dress is almost entirely in dark color including the sleeves, so I actually ended up purchasing a specially made body foundation that allow me to cover Saber in a white tights before putting the dress set on. This time no staining like that of the Saber maid dress incident occurred.

CRW_3945 CRW_3946




And the usual 2D comparison. Of course in this case mine was regular Saber in Saber alter’s dress set.

Saber alter illustration

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