phoenix |  April 12th, 2009 Speaking of clothing sets for Saber, maid dress is obviously on the top of the list. Volks released an official Saber maid dress for the dollfie Saber, and I got it through Yahoo Auction Japan. I can’t wait to put it on Saber when I finally got the Saber maid costume set (セイイバーのメイドコスセット). However, this dress set proven to be one of the most damaging dress set to put on Saber. Even after soaking the dress in vinegar, the dark dress still stained Saber’s soft vinyl body. Dollfie dreams are easily stained because the outer body is made of soft vinyl. Any dark clothing should not be put onto the doll directly. Soak in vinegar water mixture to get rid of some of the dyes first is my typical strategy. However, whenever possible, put the body stocking on to add a layer of protection. In my case, I though I couldn’t use the body stock because of the low cut of the maid dress on the back, I was wrong. I had to use some benzoyl peroxide based acne cream to gently bleach the stained area and get rid of most of the dark stains. A 10% benzoyl peroxide based acne cream would be the best choice, but if it’s not available 5% can work just fine by simply put a lot more on and repeat more times than the more potent version. Well put the stains aside, here’s Saber in her hot maid dress.

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 phoenix |  April 11th, 2009 Got two set of white china dress for dollfies — the traditional long china dress that goes all the way to the ankle and the mini china dress :evil:. The china dress is made by AZone International. Saber volunteered to model the dresses for us in her golden curls.

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 phoenix |  April 11th, 2009 I am so excited to announce my first dollfie: Type-Moon Fate / hollow ataraxia dollfie dream Saber (セイバー). Saber is a limited item released during Dolpa 19 which is held on April 27th, 2008. She’s one of the most expensive dollfie dream Volks has ever released to date, with an MSRP of ¥95,000. That’s nearly twice of any other dollfie dream ever put to market. Surprisingly, I paid very little premium on her onYahoo Auction Japan (around 20%). The auction price sky rocketed soon after and Saber is really hard to find now and mark up more than double of the original price. Saber comes with 22mm metalic animetic eyes, original wig and original head. She has a dollfie dream II body with normal skin color and a medium bust. She arrived from Japan on February 23, 2009.
Here’s the shot of the box.

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 phoenix |  January 31st, 2008 Saber (セイバー) from Type-Moon’s Fate stay night series is all set to clean the floor for you. 😈
Saber Maid 1/6 PVC by Alter (アルター セイバー メイド Ver.). Original sculptor 倉本 育馬. Released on September 2007 with an MSRP of ¥8,190.

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 phoenix |  February 22nd, 2006 A pair of Fate/stay night figure Saber and Rin arrived together. They are both made by Clayz and release on the same date.
Clayz 1/6 Tohsaka Rin (クレイズ 1/6 遠坂 凛). Original sculptor 宮川武 (T’s System). Released on July 2005 with a MSRP of ¥6,720.

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