phoenix |  February 18th, 2010 Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Alto Type was originally released on January 2009. Later, two add-on packs were released that’s available in the Bandai’s Tamashii shop in Japan only. One for the Super Pack and the other for the SMS display base. I didn’t get a chance to get it back at the beginning of 2009. Qhen I looked around at the prices later, they were high and so I gave up. Now as Macross Frontier movie is scheduled to be released, the VF-25F is released together with Super Pack as well as the SMS display base all in one single package. The paint color was slightly different to match the movie release, all the rest are otherwise the same as the original release. Best of all, I don’t have to pay extra for deputy service or fight in lines to get the add-on packs. It arrived before end of 2009 and it was sitting on my filing cabinet for a long time. Now finally I took some photo of it.
Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Saotome Alto Custom (バンダイ DX超合金 VF-25F スーパーメサイアバルキリー 早乙女アルト機). Released on November 2009 with a MSRP of ¥16,800.
Here’s the box shot. It was a very nice box with colorful prints of the valkyrie in different forms.

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 phoenix |  February 13th, 2010 In cerebration of the Chinese New Year, my dolls are having a china dress duel to see who looks the best in their own china dress. The participants are Kanu Unchou, Saber, and Tohsaka Rin. Kanu’s wearing her brand new official china dress set from Volks. Saber’s see in her pure white long china dress before but she things that’s the best china dress for her. Tohsaka Rin’s been dressed in that pink dress for a while now, but she think that daily dress will make her the winner.
Here a little sneak peek for those anxious to see what the girls will be wearing. 😈
Please make sure you vote for the girl looks the best in china dress at the end of the post.

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 phoenix |  February 11th, 2010 With the growing popularity of the anime K-ON and its related merchandises, it seems girls with guitars are the hottest topics these days. And looking through the up coming figure releases from the Wonder Festival 2010 Winter, the large number of K-ON figures and dolls is a testament to just how well received these girls with guitars are. And now Volks apparently want to step on the bandwagon as well, announcing Dollfie Dream K-ON dolls at the Wonder Festival 2010 Winter. I, on the other hand, am not much of a K-ON fan. However, it doesn’t mean I don’t like girls with guitars. And so, here’s my girl with guitar — Dollfie Dream Saber dressed in the Black Skull Cat Dress Set (was showcased before by Kanu in this post) and of course a guitar. 🙂

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 phoenix |  January 18th, 2010 It’s a new year and I’ve got a bunch of new accessories for my dolls. SELEN doll stands, lots and lots of new clothing and accessories for my girls, and more importantly, I finally got a piece of furniture for my girls so that they have a place to sit. Here’s a preview picture:

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 phoenix |  January 16th, 2010 After playing around with Takara Tomy Transformers Device Jaguar USB Key, I was so impressed with it that I can’t help myself to get Device Jaguar’s counterpart – Tigatron. Just like the Device Jaguar the Tigatron is a 2GB USB key. And Tigatron is pretty much identical to Device Jaguar with the exception of the paint color. But it’s nice to have two different colored ones, white and black makes a nice contrasty pair.
Takara Tomy Transformers Tigatron 2GB USB Memory (タカラトミー トランスフォーマータイガトロン). Released on October 2009 with a MSRP of ¥3,990.
The Tigatron box, pretty much identical to the Device Jaguar.

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