Two more FREEing 1/4 bunny girls

So here it is, two more bunny girls in my collection: Kimidori Emiri (喜緑江美里) and Asakura Ryouko (朝倉涼子) from the series Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu. Both are 1/4 scaled and both are made by FREEing. These will be the last two 1/4 scaled bunny girl from FREEing that I will be acquiring. I did not get imouto or Tsuruya-san and probably will not in the future either. These two together with my other bunny girls completes my SOS Dan bunny girl army.

So here it is: Kimidori Emiri Bunny Girl Version 1/4 PVC by FREEing (FREEing 喜緑江美里 バニー Ver.). Released on September 2008 with an MSRP of ¥11,800.

Kimidori Emiri Kimidori Emiri

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