July 10, 2004 is the 1 year birthday for the 3 Sumatran tigers (Kougra , Chelsea, and Skylar) at the Metro Toronto Zoo. I was there during the birthday celebration and here’s a few shot from the birthday party.
The keepers brings in the specially made birth day “cake” for the 3 birthday boy/girl. They set up these “cakes” for the cubs. The “cakes” are made of frozen blood, meat, and bones. Full of healthy ingredients for our growing little fellows.
This is Kougra a quiet yet agressive little boy cub. Likes to grab everything for himself.
The birthday girl Chelsea testing out what the cake tastes like.
And this is Skylar the other birthday girl. Didn’t get much action on the cake so decided to take a nap under the shade.
So here’s Kougra taking the cakes for himself. Chelsea, all she can do now is watch. No cake for her since her brother’s got them all.
Look at Kougra’s bad table manner. Frightening off both of his sisters and take possession of all the cakes.
Mommy tiger Brytne joins in the birthday celebration and have some cake. No one can fight with her, not even Kougra.