Winter in the zoo

Here’s a few photo that I took over the winter time in the Metro Toronto Zoo.

It is early in the morning. Most of the snow from yesterday’s storm has melted under the warmth of the rising sun. Golden light is cast over the tiger den. I snapped this picture while the tiger is checking out its territory atop a tree stump.

Sumatran Tiger

Big yawn from a big cat.

Sumatran Tiger

Snow is still covering siberian tiger’s home ground. The little siberian tiger cub is now almost one year old. They are big and agile just like their mother and father. However, from time to time, you can still capture a hint of their childhood.

Siberian Tiger

Being that this is the winter, taking photo outside really freezes your fingers. So I decided to go indoors and shoot some birds they have at the zoo. Here’s the Mandarin Duck the love bird of China.

Mandarin Duck

Mandarin Duck

To the left, African Spoonbill. To the right, Spur-Winged Plover.

African Spoonbill Spur-Winged Plover

I always liked the little gang of meerkats. They always seem to be so busy – digging a hole or finding food.

Meerkat Meerkat

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