Summer butterflies

A pile of butterfly photographs that I took over the summer time.

A newly hatched rice paper butterfly resting on some white tree barks. The wing is still slightly wrinkled as it hasn’t fully dried up yet.

Rice Paper Butterfly

Tailed jay butterfly.

Tailed Jay Butterfly Tailed Jay Butterfly

Common tiger butterfly.

Plain Tiger Butterfly

Common Tiger Butterfly

Small Wood Nymph

Small Wood Nymph

A great orange tip butterfly was resting on the tree bark while enjoying a show from the light water mist coming down from above.

Great Orange Tip Butterfly

Grey pansy butterfly the the left, and banded peacock butterfly to the right.

Grey Pansy Butterfly Banded Peacock Butterfly

A newly hatched rice paper butterfly resting on some white tree barks. The wing is still slightly wrinkled as it hasn’t fully dried up yet.

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